Hello World I am BACK!
First, I must apologize for my lengthy absence! Secondly, Happy New Year to all! Turns out that working a full time job and trying to finish a doctoral degree are not very conducive to having a blog. I had to take a temporary hiatus to complete a major qualitative research project for school. In any case, I am sure that my idea for my qualitative research project will bore most people so I will leave that off this post and get to the real stuff you have all been , hopefully, waiting for.
Let's get to it shall we. Now, picking out the Pinterest Pick topic was quite difficult this time around. Although I have been absent from writing I have still been participating in different Pinterest activities with the hopes I would be able to return to the blog with some HOT STUFF upon my return. I have make-up Pinterest Picks dating back to Halloween, Dream Board Projects, Hairstyles and Products that I tried because of Pinterest, and much more! But, what to start with in the new year?
I have chosen to share some dream board pins and then what I did as my 2014 Dream Board. I feel that it is most fitting for the season. [ Now don't worry, I will make sure to super backtrack and share all the other awesome things I was working on along the way :) ]
So, I am sure everyone has heard of a dream board (these creations are also referred to as vision boards too!) For those of you that have not, it is basically a board that you decorate to capture all of your hopes and dreams for your life, the upcoming year, your job.... etc. There are many different ways and things to focus on for Dream Boards and there is really no wrong way to complete them. Everyone's board should be different because it would be specific to the person creating it.
Below are some Dream Board examples I found from Pinterest....
Now this Dream Board I found is freaking awesome and I am very depressed that I did not create this! My first thought when I saw this was to just steal this idea completely and make mine! I could see it so clearly, me just creating an exact replica of this, but that is bad taste.
There are some places where stealing is allowed, acting is one. Isn't there a quote out there that says something like "Professionals steal , Amature borrow"? Either way the purpose of creating a dream or vision board is to not steal or borrow anything from someone else's, it should be unique to you! Since this beautiful board had already been created I just couldn't bring myself to steal this!
Now these ladies look like they had a blast doing their dream boards, together, as friends! I had the great opportunity to be invited to a Dream Board Party by one of my very good friends! I did not know any one there when I first showed up ; however, through the process of Dream Boarding I was able to make some new friends. These ladies we great and I feel very blessed to have gotten to spend some time with them! I think I can safely say that we all had a great time! I think that it is always better to complete these boards with a group of people you care about! There is just something about the laughter and togetherness, the memories that come up, and the things you learn about one another that just makes it a very special experience!
Now, This person is one after my own heart. This board screams go big or go home! This only thing lacking in my opinion is a picture of Meryl and some Glitter! I love the idea of taking it a step further from just poster board size and creating a wall-sized Dream Board. A Board this size would work great in an Office. You turn one entire wall into a Dream Board and capture all your goals and dreams to inspire you through out your work day.

I love this board for it's simplicity! Very even distribution of pictures, no complicated cutting, not even any Glitter, Yet it is still very beautiful and easy to follow! <------------------------------------------
So with all these awesome ideas I was more than ready to tackle my dream board at my friends party! The idea for our boards was to create a Dream Board for the upcoming year, 2014. My lovely friend provided snacks and cocktails for her guests. Magazines were also provided, although if you plan on doing one of these parties yourself it is always a great idea to have people bring additional magazine, you can never have too many magazines for this type of project. If you think you can cover the mags just make sure to think of each of your guests and make sure to have magazine to cover each personality and especially each gender :) Some of us attending the party brought additional arts and crafts materials as well to share with everyone. I mean it when I say the more stuff you have for decorating your boards the better! Please heed this warning... this get's messy!
So make sure that you have lots of space and time to give everyone and fair chance to make their perfect dream board!
This picture captures two boards in progress, can you see what I mean now by, "Things get messy and you need lots of room???"...lol
First, I must apologize for my lengthy absence! Secondly, Happy New Year to all! Turns out that working a full time job and trying to finish a doctoral degree are not very conducive to having a blog. I had to take a temporary hiatus to complete a major qualitative research project for school. In any case, I am sure that my idea for my qualitative research project will bore most people so I will leave that off this post and get to the real stuff you have all been , hopefully, waiting for.
Let's get to it shall we. Now, picking out the Pinterest Pick topic was quite difficult this time around. Although I have been absent from writing I have still been participating in different Pinterest activities with the hopes I would be able to return to the blog with some HOT STUFF upon my return. I have make-up Pinterest Picks dating back to Halloween, Dream Board Projects, Hairstyles and Products that I tried because of Pinterest, and much more! But, what to start with in the new year?
I have chosen to share some dream board pins and then what I did as my 2014 Dream Board. I feel that it is most fitting for the season. [ Now don't worry, I will make sure to super backtrack and share all the other awesome things I was working on along the way :) ]
So, I am sure everyone has heard of a dream board (these creations are also referred to as vision boards too!) For those of you that have not, it is basically a board that you decorate to capture all of your hopes and dreams for your life, the upcoming year, your job.... etc. There are many different ways and things to focus on for Dream Boards and there is really no wrong way to complete them. Everyone's board should be different because it would be specific to the person creating it.
Below are some Dream Board examples I found from Pinterest....

There are some places where stealing is allowed, acting is one. Isn't there a quote out there that says something like "Professionals steal , Amature borrow"? Either way the purpose of creating a dream or vision board is to not steal or borrow anything from someone else's, it should be unique to you! Since this beautiful board had already been created I just couldn't bring myself to steal this!
Now these ladies look like they had a blast doing their dream boards, together, as friends! I had the great opportunity to be invited to a Dream Board Party by one of my very good friends! I did not know any one there when I first showed up ; however, through the process of Dream Boarding I was able to make some new friends. These ladies we great and I feel very blessed to have gotten to spend some time with them! I think I can safely say that we all had a great time! I think that it is always better to complete these boards with a group of people you care about! There is just something about the laughter and togetherness, the memories that come up, and the things you learn about one another that just makes it a very special experience!


I love this board for it's simplicity! Very even distribution of pictures, no complicated cutting, not even any Glitter, Yet it is still very beautiful and easy to follow! <------------------------------------------
So with all these awesome ideas I was more than ready to tackle my dream board at my friends party! The idea for our boards was to create a Dream Board for the upcoming year, 2014. My lovely friend provided snacks and cocktails for her guests. Magazines were also provided, although if you plan on doing one of these parties yourself it is always a great idea to have people bring additional magazine, you can never have too many magazines for this type of project. If you think you can cover the mags just make sure to think of each of your guests and make sure to have magazine to cover each personality and especially each gender :) Some of us attending the party brought additional arts and crafts materials as well to share with everyone. I mean it when I say the more stuff you have for decorating your boards the better! Please heed this warning... this get's messy!

This picture captures two boards in progress, can you see what I mean now by, "Things get messy and you need lots of room???"...lol

Almost there, My board began to come along after a few hours! Luckily for me I could do arts and crafty stuff all day long so the time it took to make my board perfect was totally worth it to me! :)
TAA-DAA!!!! There it is, my 2014 Dream Board pictured below! Looks like it did not take much time, but fitting those different cut outs into the specific space of the numbers.... THAT JUNK WAS HARD! Again, totally worth the mess, hours, and amount of glitter it took to make it perfect! AND YES, You probably can't tell by this picture but, there is plenty of glitter on my Dream Board!

I leave you with this! Dream Board Pins are cool, but when you take a pin and bring it to life, it is
way better!!!!
With Love, Dreams, Glitter, and a Happy New Year,