Monday, May 4, 2015

Pinterest Picks #12- Bridal Party Glasses

Hello Everyone, 

I have more wedding stuff just for you all! What can I say, I was really busy for my friend's Bachelorette Party. And yes, this were made for the same Bachelorette Party as the Pantie Bouquet. I couldn't stop myself. :) 

So as most you you Pinterest Addicts every girl has their dream wedding board (whether we have a ring on our finger or not). As part of my personal 'dream wedding board' i have ton of different ideas for bridal party wine glasses. 

I have seen some specifically for the bride---> 

<--- Some made just for the Bridal Shower! Of course, gotta love the corsets, right ?!

Then I came across the more 'classy glassy' look with---> 
the dresses, wedding colors, and initials of the party.  

<--------It wasn't until I saw the actual ladies painted on the glasses that I figure out exactly what I wanted to do for my friend. An extra bonus for me is that I was in here bridal party and got to make a glass for myself as well. :) 

I knew I loved this idea and the look of each lady on the glasses. I also knew that I wanted to do actual cups instead of wine glasses. I ended up using BPA free beer glasses. An advantage about using the plastic BPA free glasses is that they are plastic and won't break. Also you can hand wash the glasses and the paint stays on just fine. (I have not tried to use the dishwasher on these either, just seems safer to wash by hand. Although, if you decide to recreate these cups and run them through a dishwasher, let me know what happens.) 

I used puff paint for these. I found a package like this ↓
All the colors I needed were there or easy to mix because I had all primary colors. To make the dresses I squeezed the paint on to a paper plate and mixed as needed. I used a brush to paint the girls from there. Mixing skin tone with just these colors was very difficult and would recommend buying additional tans or browns if you wanted to be more accurate if you try it. For the names and flowers, I just free-handed directly from the bottle. (If you are not a fan of free-handing the names you can always used a stencil and a paint brush or sponge). 

I went the cheap route by using puff paint; however, puff paint is thin and would take many coats for it to have the matte finish as show in the Pinterest examples above. It also leaves streaks. I liked this look and made it work for me. Best bet if you don't want to deal with all that tho.... use acrylic paint. To really make it pop use the acrylic paint as a base and then line the edges with the puff paint. This will give it a cool appearance and texture :) and really be closer to  the look of the Pinterest examples above. 

When all is said and done I think my Bridal Party Glasses turned out well and actually somewhat resemble the bridesmaids :) (Except for the skin tones- that was super off - my bad girls!! :/ )

↓ So this was the final product ↓
We also used these to decorate and added the tiara combs on top that were wore by the party when we went out later that evening. The cups were a hit thanks to this Pin, I would recommend to anyone.

With Love, Steady Hands, Puff Paint, and Classy Glasses,


Pinterest Pick #11- Pantie Rose Bouquet

Hello To All,

Yes, I know! I am a slacker and it has been too long. Well now that I have some normalcy back in my life I am adding a new Pinterest Pick- The Lovely Pantie Rose Bouquet.

lingerie bouquet - bridal/bachelorette gift

This awesome idea pop up on my Pinterest and I have had it saved for quite sometime. I was waiting for the right time and the right person to try this pin out. A couple months ago one of my best friends got married to the love of her life. She asked me and one of our other best friends to host her Bachelorette Party so you know I had to turn to Pinterest for some quality ideas.

I started out getting several different types of panties for this project but, also some silk flowers to tie into the pantie flowers giving the bouquet a fuller look once it all came together. I also used rubber bands and some scotch tape too hold the pantie flowers into place.

To the pin offered a great tutorial with pictures, so that is what I followed: This tutorial shows you how to make the flowers using baby clothes, but the same roll and tape idea can be applied to the panties. So, I laid all the panties out flat and folded the crotch part up to touch just below the waist seem. From one side I began to roll the panties, with the waist seem on top, to create to flower.

This process is not as easy as it sound. This is because the waist seem is much thicker than the rest of the pantie material. This means that you have to roll slow enough to keep the pantie looking like a flow. Once I figured this out it went much smoother. When done rolling, I slapped some clear tape on the side and used a rubber band to secure the bottom. I had enough excess pantie  material to avoid using wire. I did this over and over until I had all my panties rolled and looking like flowers.

This was the wonderful outcome. --------->

I wanted the panties to be disguised within the bouquet to I added a bunch of the silk flowers to hold to bouquet together. All in all, it turned out to be a great success and I and pretty sure the bride-to-be loved them. Definitely a great pin to try out for yourself because it is easy to put together, you can make it your own, and it is very inexpensive to make.

And best of all it can be used as a centerpiece or decoration at the Bachelorette Party or Bridal shower!!!! Now go get your pantie-roll on and make some flowers! 

With Love, Panties, and Bouquets, 
