Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pinterest Pick # 9 Salt Lake City, Utah

Hello There!

Hope all has been well with you all since my last post! Thanks for returning! As promised I have a pretty rich Pinterest Pick coming at you for this post! I am sure that it is clear that this post is about my recent trip to Salt Lake City, Utah! Now I know what you are thinking, WHY SALT LAKE??? Well, first of all Salt Lake City is one of the most BEAUTIFUL places that I have honestly been to. I did go there once many years ago, but I was with my family on a trip and we were really just driving through, stopped at a Super Wal-Mart, and were on our way. I have been to other parts of the state as well, but again on family vacation. Since those visits, I had always wanted to return as an adult and see Salt Lake City specifically!

As I have built up my Pinterest boards over the years I always find posts of places I want to go and archive them in my "Places I would Like to Go" board. Boring title I know, but in my defense it was one of the first boards, I ever created. I wasn't as creative with my titles in the beginning...lol! Anyway, Lets just say there was a couple of times where I would see a pin of this beautiful place with out know what I was looking at until, I saw "Salt Lake" in the description.

Check out these Pins!

Ok, Seriously???? Who would not want to see this view of the GREAT SALT LAKE with there own eyes. That is crazy, mind blowingly, AWESOME!!!!

These pins give a whole new meaning to the Sunrise, Sunset song from the Fiddler on the Roof!


Here is a random pin -------------------------------> You know that is a good looking kid! HA!  I can see it now... some proud mama drags her kid to see one of the most beautiful places in the world, and forces him to take pictures where??? That's right, the mall! He seems like a good sport though and because of that I had to showcase this pin. :)
 SO...  what are we looking at and why would someone pin this pic to begin with, you ask? Well, it is not just to show off their kid, this mall was epic! Let me explain, the hotel
I ended up staying at is actually attached to this super cool mall called Mall at City Creek. This thing was massive and stretches at least three city blocks. The place is ridiculously huge and had tons on stores! Most of which I sadly admit I didn't go into for multiple reasons: One, Some of those stores were out of my price range! Shoot, I can't even afford to breathe the air in some of those stores, let alone purchase any of the merchandise. Two, I was actually in town for a conference and honestly did not have that much free time to shop. In any case, I did have some free time and used it wisely might I add. Yes! I walked around one of the coolest malls I have ever seen. Did I mention that supposedly the roof of this mall is supposedly retractable and can be closed when it gets super cold outside, but is left open when the weather is nice? Whhhhhaaaa? I don't know how true that is, but the idea is awesome! Totally pin worthy if you ask me!

<------------------------------ Of course this is more of a Birdseye view of the entire city. Again, super awesome! What legit city do you know of that is surrounded my freakin' mountains???
Now to my experience of course! I need to preface that pins do this wonderful city no justice! My pictures don't give this city justice, it is a place that deserve greatly to be seen in person, not through a lens captured in a photo. With that said forgive the ridiculous amounts of photos that I am about to share and yes, explain! :)
Ok below is our drive from the airport, down Highway 15, to our hotel. I know this pic probably is not the best, it was sort of a drive by shot; however, I like it because you can see the Salt Lake City sign and HELLO, Look at those Mountains!!!!!!

This next picture is a view from my hotel room. Recognize those arches??? That's right, I have a great view of the City Creek Mall with the retractable roof. YAY!

I included  the following picture because it shows how this city is completely dead on Sunday's. Granted, this city is very, predominantly, inhabited by people of the Mormon faith. It is understandable that things would be a little slow on Sunday's because of that.... However, just know if you ever visit, be aware that nothing is open on Sunday in Salt Lake City. You looking for a local shop? Closed! Looking for a Pharmacy?? Closed! Ok, I exaggerate but still, the city is more dead than I thought it would be, go figure! lol 

This next picture is basically one of the many, probably hundreds of entrances, lol of the City Creek Mall. 

And Below is a panoramic pic of downtown including the church/cathedral. So yes, I am a crappy tourist, I don't know the official title of the main attraction/monument in the city... and I cut off the top of the picture, well my iPhone did that, but still..,. Regardless, What I did capture, was super cool!!! Woohoo! ;)

This is a view of the fron of the mini temple. We (My totally awesome friend Priyal and myself) were actually allowed to go inside. As we entered, an organ played automatically and it was quite nice if I do say so myself.

<------ Shot of the back of the Cathedral  :)

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are great of the Mall, the Cathedral and especially the pano! And it is true about the Mall's retractable roof. The roofing system at City Creek Mall is the first of its kind in the state of Utah.I read that it took over 50 workers and 18 months to complete the roofing system. The 12 fabricated panels are each 100 feet wide, the roof spans 60 feet when fully extended. The roof opens and closes in sequence since the panels overlap each other. The intention is for the roof not to be noticed by the people on the ground level. The president of the company that did the work added the goal is to have the roof open as much as possible with the exception of bad weather. Although, there was not a stop in Salt Lake City, there were stops in other parts of Utah to see Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks on the family trip you speak of, weren't there?
