Monday, May 4, 2015

Pinterest Picks #12- Bridal Party Glasses

Hello Everyone, 

I have more wedding stuff just for you all! What can I say, I was really busy for my friend's Bachelorette Party. And yes, this were made for the same Bachelorette Party as the Pantie Bouquet. I couldn't stop myself. :) 

So as most you you Pinterest Addicts every girl has their dream wedding board (whether we have a ring on our finger or not). As part of my personal 'dream wedding board' i have ton of different ideas for bridal party wine glasses. 

I have seen some specifically for the bride---> 

<--- Some made just for the Bridal Shower! Of course, gotta love the corsets, right ?!

Then I came across the more 'classy glassy' look with---> 
the dresses, wedding colors, and initials of the party.  

<--------It wasn't until I saw the actual ladies painted on the glasses that I figure out exactly what I wanted to do for my friend. An extra bonus for me is that I was in here bridal party and got to make a glass for myself as well. :) 

I knew I loved this idea and the look of each lady on the glasses. I also knew that I wanted to do actual cups instead of wine glasses. I ended up using BPA free beer glasses. An advantage about using the plastic BPA free glasses is that they are plastic and won't break. Also you can hand wash the glasses and the paint stays on just fine. (I have not tried to use the dishwasher on these either, just seems safer to wash by hand. Although, if you decide to recreate these cups and run them through a dishwasher, let me know what happens.) 

I used puff paint for these. I found a package like this ↓
All the colors I needed were there or easy to mix because I had all primary colors. To make the dresses I squeezed the paint on to a paper plate and mixed as needed. I used a brush to paint the girls from there. Mixing skin tone with just these colors was very difficult and would recommend buying additional tans or browns if you wanted to be more accurate if you try it. For the names and flowers, I just free-handed directly from the bottle. (If you are not a fan of free-handing the names you can always used a stencil and a paint brush or sponge). 

I went the cheap route by using puff paint; however, puff paint is thin and would take many coats for it to have the matte finish as show in the Pinterest examples above. It also leaves streaks. I liked this look and made it work for me. Best bet if you don't want to deal with all that tho.... use acrylic paint. To really make it pop use the acrylic paint as a base and then line the edges with the puff paint. This will give it a cool appearance and texture :) and really be closer to  the look of the Pinterest examples above. 

When all is said and done I think my Bridal Party Glasses turned out well and actually somewhat resemble the bridesmaids :) (Except for the skin tones- that was super off - my bad girls!! :/ )

↓ So this was the final product ↓
We also used these to decorate and added the tiara combs on top that were wore by the party when we went out later that evening. The cups were a hit thanks to this Pin, I would recommend to anyone.

With Love, Steady Hands, Puff Paint, and Classy Glasses,


Pinterest Pick #11- Pantie Rose Bouquet

Hello To All,

Yes, I know! I am a slacker and it has been too long. Well now that I have some normalcy back in my life I am adding a new Pinterest Pick- The Lovely Pantie Rose Bouquet.

lingerie bouquet - bridal/bachelorette gift

This awesome idea pop up on my Pinterest and I have had it saved for quite sometime. I was waiting for the right time and the right person to try this pin out. A couple months ago one of my best friends got married to the love of her life. She asked me and one of our other best friends to host her Bachelorette Party so you know I had to turn to Pinterest for some quality ideas.

I started out getting several different types of panties for this project but, also some silk flowers to tie into the pantie flowers giving the bouquet a fuller look once it all came together. I also used rubber bands and some scotch tape too hold the pantie flowers into place.

To the pin offered a great tutorial with pictures, so that is what I followed: This tutorial shows you how to make the flowers using baby clothes, but the same roll and tape idea can be applied to the panties. So, I laid all the panties out flat and folded the crotch part up to touch just below the waist seem. From one side I began to roll the panties, with the waist seem on top, to create to flower.

This process is not as easy as it sound. This is because the waist seem is much thicker than the rest of the pantie material. This means that you have to roll slow enough to keep the pantie looking like a flow. Once I figured this out it went much smoother. When done rolling, I slapped some clear tape on the side and used a rubber band to secure the bottom. I had enough excess pantie  material to avoid using wire. I did this over and over until I had all my panties rolled and looking like flowers.

This was the wonderful outcome. --------->

I wanted the panties to be disguised within the bouquet to I added a bunch of the silk flowers to hold to bouquet together. All in all, it turned out to be a great success and I and pretty sure the bride-to-be loved them. Definitely a great pin to try out for yourself because it is easy to put together, you can make it your own, and it is very inexpensive to make.

And best of all it can be used as a centerpiece or decoration at the Bachelorette Party or Bridal shower!!!! Now go get your pantie-roll on and make some flowers! 

With Love, Panties, and Bouquets, 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year - I'm Back!!!!!

Hello World I am BACK!

First, I must apologize for my lengthy absence! Secondly, Happy New Year to all! Turns out that working a full time job and trying to finish a doctoral degree are not very conducive to having a blog. I had to take a temporary hiatus to complete a major qualitative research project for school. In any case, I am sure that my idea for my qualitative research project will bore most people so I will leave that off this post and get to the real stuff you have all been , hopefully, waiting for.

Let's get to it shall we. Now, picking out the Pinterest Pick topic was quite difficult this time around. Although I have been absent from writing I have still been participating in different Pinterest activities with the hopes I would be able to return to the blog with some HOT STUFF upon my return. I have make-up Pinterest Picks dating back to Halloween, Dream Board Projects, Hairstyles and Products that I tried because of Pinterest, and much more! But, what to start with in the new year?

I have chosen to share some dream board pins and then what I did as my 2014 Dream Board. I feel that it is most fitting for the season. [ Now don't worry, I will make sure to super backtrack and share all the other awesome things I was working on along the way :) ]

So, I am sure everyone has heard of a dream board (these creations are also referred to as vision boards too!) For those of you that have not, it is basically a board that you decorate to capture all of your hopes and dreams for your life, the upcoming year, your job.... etc. There are many different ways and things to focus on for Dream Boards and there is really no wrong way to complete them. Everyone's board should be different because it would be specific to the person creating it.

Below are some Dream Board examples I found from Pinterest....

Now this Dream Board I found is freaking awesome and I am very depressed that I did not create this! My first thought when I saw this was to just steal this idea completely and make mine! I could see it so clearly, me just creating an exact replica of this, but that is bad taste.


There are some places where stealing is allowed, acting is one. Isn't there a quote out there that says something like "Professionals steal , Amature borrow"? Either way the purpose of creating a dream or vision board is to not steal or borrow anything from someone else's,  it should be unique to you! Since this beautiful board had already been created I just couldn't bring myself to steal this!

Now these ladies look like they had a blast doing their dream boards, together, as friends! I had the great opportunity to be invited to a Dream Board Party by one of my very good friends! I did not know any one there when I first showed up ; however, through the process of Dream Boarding I was able to make some new friends. These ladies we great and I feel very blessed to have gotten to spend some time with them! I think I can safely say that we all had a great time!  I think that it is always better to complete these boards with a group of people you care about! There is just something about the laughter and togetherness, the memories that come up, and the things you learn about one another that just makes it a very special experience!

Now, This person is one after my own heart. This board screams go big or go home! This only thing lacking in my opinion is a picture of Meryl and some Glitter! I love the idea of taking it a step further from just poster board size and creating a wall-sized Dream Board. A Board this size would work great in an Office. You turn one entire wall into a Dream Board and capture all your goals and dreams to inspire you through out your work day.


I love this board for it's simplicity! Very even distribution of pictures, no complicated cutting, not even any Glitter, Yet it is still very beautiful and easy to follow!                                                           <------------------------------------------

So with all these awesome ideas I was more than ready to tackle my dream board at my friends party! The idea for our boards was to create a Dream Board for the upcoming year, 2014. My lovely friend provided snacks and cocktails for her guests. Magazines were also provided, although if you plan on doing one of these parties yourself it is always a great idea to have people bring additional magazine, you can never have too many magazines for this type of project. If you think you can cover the mags just make sure to think of each of your guests and make sure to have magazine to cover each personality and especially each gender :) Some of us attending the party brought additional arts and crafts materials as well to share with everyone. I mean it when I say the more stuff you have for decorating your boards the better! Please heed this warning... this get's messy!

So make sure that you have lots of space and time to give everyone and fair chance to make their perfect dream board!


This picture captures two boards in progress, can you see what I mean now by, "Things get messy and you need lots of room???"
Almost there, My board began to come along after a few hours! Luckily for me I could do arts and crafty stuff all day long so the time it took to make my board perfect was totally worth it to me! :)

TAA-DAA!!!! There it is, my 2014 Dream Board pictured below! Looks like it did not take much time, but fitting those different cut outs into the specific space of the numbers.... THAT JUNK WAS HARD! Again, totally worth the mess, hours, and amount of glitter it took to make it perfect! AND YES, You probably can't tell by this picture but, there is plenty of glitter on my Dream Board!

I leave you with this! Dream Board Pins are cool, but when you take a pin and bring it to life, it is

way better!!!!

With Love, Dreams, Glitter, and a Happy New Year,


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pinterest Pick # 9 Salt Lake City, Utah

Hello There!

Hope all has been well with you all since my last post! Thanks for returning! As promised I have a pretty rich Pinterest Pick coming at you for this post! I am sure that it is clear that this post is about my recent trip to Salt Lake City, Utah! Now I know what you are thinking, WHY SALT LAKE??? Well, first of all Salt Lake City is one of the most BEAUTIFUL places that I have honestly been to. I did go there once many years ago, but I was with my family on a trip and we were really just driving through, stopped at a Super Wal-Mart, and were on our way. I have been to other parts of the state as well, but again on family vacation. Since those visits, I had always wanted to return as an adult and see Salt Lake City specifically!

As I have built up my Pinterest boards over the years I always find posts of places I want to go and archive them in my "Places I would Like to Go" board. Boring title I know, but in my defense it was one of the first boards, I ever created. I wasn't as creative with my titles in the! Anyway, Lets just say there was a couple of times where I would see a pin of this beautiful place with out know what I was looking at until, I saw "Salt Lake" in the description.

Check out these Pins!

Ok, Seriously???? Who would not want to see this view of the GREAT SALT LAKE with there own eyes. That is crazy, mind blowingly, AWESOME!!!!

These pins give a whole new meaning to the Sunrise, Sunset song from the Fiddler on the Roof!


Here is a random pin -------------------------------> You know that is a good looking kid! HA!  I can see it now... some proud mama drags her kid to see one of the most beautiful places in the world, and forces him to take pictures where??? That's right, the mall! He seems like a good sport though and because of that I had to showcase this pin. :)
 SO...  what are we looking at and why would someone pin this pic to begin with, you ask? Well, it is not just to show off their kid, this mall was epic! Let me explain, the hotel
I ended up staying at is actually attached to this super cool mall called Mall at City Creek. This thing was massive and stretches at least three city blocks. The place is ridiculously huge and had tons on stores! Most of which I sadly admit I didn't go into for multiple reasons: One, Some of those stores were out of my price range! Shoot, I can't even afford to breathe the air in some of those stores, let alone purchase any of the merchandise. Two, I was actually in town for a conference and honestly did not have that much free time to shop. In any case, I did have some free time and used it wisely might I add. Yes! I walked around one of the coolest malls I have ever seen. Did I mention that supposedly the roof of this mall is supposedly retractable and can be closed when it gets super cold outside, but is left open when the weather is nice? Whhhhhaaaa? I don't know how true that is, but the idea is awesome! Totally pin worthy if you ask me!

<------------------------------ Of course this is more of a Birdseye view of the entire city. Again, super awesome! What legit city do you know of that is surrounded my freakin' mountains???
Now to my experience of course! I need to preface that pins do this wonderful city no justice! My pictures don't give this city justice, it is a place that deserve greatly to be seen in person, not through a lens captured in a photo. With that said forgive the ridiculous amounts of photos that I am about to share and yes, explain! :)
Ok below is our drive from the airport, down Highway 15, to our hotel. I know this pic probably is not the best, it was sort of a drive by shot; however, I like it because you can see the Salt Lake City sign and HELLO, Look at those Mountains!!!!!!

This next picture is a view from my hotel room. Recognize those arches??? That's right, I have a great view of the City Creek Mall with the retractable roof. YAY!

I included  the following picture because it shows how this city is completely dead on Sunday's. Granted, this city is very, predominantly, inhabited by people of the Mormon faith. It is understandable that things would be a little slow on Sunday's because of that.... However, just know if you ever visit, be aware that nothing is open on Sunday in Salt Lake City. You looking for a local shop? Closed! Looking for a Pharmacy?? Closed! Ok, I exaggerate but still, the city is more dead than I thought it would be, go figure! lol 

This next picture is basically one of the many, probably hundreds of entrances, lol of the City Creek Mall. 

And Below is a panoramic pic of downtown including the church/cathedral. So yes, I am a crappy tourist, I don't know the official title of the main attraction/monument in the city... and I cut off the top of the picture, well my iPhone did that, but still..,. Regardless, What I did capture, was super cool!!! Woohoo! ;)

This is a view of the fron of the mini temple. We (My totally awesome friend Priyal and myself) were actually allowed to go inside. As we entered, an organ played automatically and it was quite nice if I do say so myself.

<------ Shot of the back of the Cathedral  :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Pinterest Pick # 8 The New Doo

Pinterest Pick # The New Do!

Hello my Bloggees! 

I have been out of town so I apologize for such a lapse in blog posts this week. I have been busy though and have been pin picking like crazy to make up for my absence. With that said I have a couple of posts that will be coming to u all this week ! Woohoo! 

Ok, all the blog bureaucracy, B.S., and all that jazz done with I will get to my new , awesome, hair-do. 
I have been pin-stalking a lot here of late to decide what I would like to do with my hair. Some specific defs that made up the basics of my search are as follows...

-I knew I wanted to do some color. Def something two toned, but wasn't sure about specifics.
- I knew I wanted to keep my length! Can I just say that, LIKE AN IDIOT! , I decided I would chop off my long hair about a year ago. My reasoning for that decision was fueled by my desire to have the best of both worlds... With short hair, I figured it would be much easier up keep. I WAS WRONG! At the same time I figured that if I had a desire for long hair I would just use some clip in extensions. The downfall to that idea was that, although I have the skill to properly place extensions, and make them for my own hair, I have no time to sew in those clips on the hair tracks ... In any case, My ideas did not quite match my commitment and I ended up chopping my long locks, to essentially be stuck with the short hair. Lets say that I will never cut my hair again. 
- I knew that I was in disparate need of some layers... My fear of cutting led me to avoid the hairdresser for a while. This also meant that I had grown out my hair and it was now pretty much all one length... BORING!
Anyway, now that my hair has grown out significantly, I have become very stingey with the hair I have grown. If I do allow someone to trim it , I make sure they understand the difference between trimming, and hacking! (To be fair, my hair dresser that cut my hair before, did exactly what i asked... no hacking took place that wasn't requested, just an epic fail on my part when it comes to decision making) Luckily, I have found an awesome hairdresser who I trust to do what I ask when it comes to my hair.  Which brings me back to my pin picking for the best hair-do. 

With my preferences in mind I was in search for some hair ideas. The pins below stood out as front runners for what I was looking for. 
<--------------- I loved these colors , I knew I more than likely would get fired if I showed up to work with such bold hair, so my idea was to use these colors , but invert the idea. Essentially, I wanted all over red/auburn color with some golden blonde highlights on top. I have to say that my desire for two toned stemmed from Sons of Anarchy, I wanted Gemma Teller hair 
<-------------- I loved her layers, I mean look at the pin! That cut is just super sexy ! Also I knew my hair was about this length anyway! 

I did see tons of other ideas via Pinterest. But these were the main ones that I brought to my hair dresser! I still was a bit fuzzy on what I wanted when I actually asked my hair dresser to work her magic... I wasn't clear exactly what kind of red I wanted. Did I want something with more brownish red? I knew fire engine red was a def no way, that was for sure ! Or maybe I wanted something that looked brown inside but in the sunlight had some red tones to it... I flipped through the Paul Mitchell color book, and found my red, and gave my stylist some color freedom when it came to choosing a blonde that would compliment the reddish brown color I chose. She worked her magic alright! 
<------- And here it is , my new awesome hair-do! I love it more than I thought I would... Hopefully you all like it too ! 

Love and Gemma Teller Hair, 


Monday, September 30, 2013

Pinterest Pick # 7 Buffalo Cauliflower

Well Hello Again!
So this week I have decided to pull yet another recipe! This time I found a recipe for Baked Buffalo Cauliflower! Here's the Pin

Now, doesn't that look really good!? I thought so too! To be honest I thought to myself when I saw this pin "Well, I like the sound of Buffalo Cauliflower, but I like sound of Buffalo Chicken better!" I had to suppress my urges, silence the screaming from my inner fat kid, and decide that buffalo cauliflower will be my next pin pick! NO chicken for me! It's all about the Cauliflower, baby.

My first dilemma was trying to figure out exactly where to start. You see, this was not the only Buffalo Cauliflower recipe I had pinned, this was the "SKINNY" version of the recipe. How in the world could cauliflower, not be skinny? After reading the other recipe's that contained straight up cream, and other recipes with buttermilk, some of the other buffalo cauliflower recipes even called for the cauliflower to be breaded and deep fried. Now, as awesome as that sounds to deep fry cauliflower, it kind of defeats the point of eating veggies, no? So after much self talk, encouragement, and him-hawing, I decided I would stick with healthy  and go with the recipe from

So here is the official recipe directly from the site...

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
Servings: 6 • Size: about 1 cup cauliflower • Old Points: 2 pts • Points+: 3 pts
Calories: 119.4 • Fat: 2 g • Protein: 4 g • Carb: 21.4 g • Fiber: 3 g • Sugar: 0.2 g
Sodium: 1172 mg
1 cup water
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp garlic powder
22 oz (6 1/2 cups) cauliflower florets
3/4 cup Franks Hot Sauce
1 tbsp melted unsalted butter
Preheat the oven to 450°F. Lightly spray a large non-stick baking sheet with oil.
Combine the water, flour, and garlic powder in a bowl and stir until well combined.
Coat the cauliflower pieces with the flour mixture and place on the baking sheet; bake for 20 minutes.
While the cauliflower is baking, combine the hot sauce and butter in a small bowl.
Pour the hot sauce mixture over the baked cauliflower and continue baking for an additional 5 minutes. Serve with skinny blue cheese dressing if desired and celery sticks.

After reading the recipe, I knew this would be easy enough to do since I already had everything I needed, except cauliflower. I searched a bit for the best looking head of cauliflower once in the store. I am not going to lie, I felt kind of like an idiot! Let me explain, I am used to buying cauliflower frozen, steaming the crap out of it, and eating it! So I was not sure at all about how to pick out a decent head of cauliflower. Do you thump it? Squeeze it? Smell it? I wasn't sure, and God forbid I start doing all these things to a head of cauliflower, while standing in the produce section of my local grocery store, looking like a complete fool because all you really have to do it is grab one and buy it because they are all the same! I was a bit nervous! So, what did I end up doing??? I just grabbed the one that I thought looked the cleanest through the plastic they were all wrapped in, and went with it!  
When I when it actually used my cauliflower it looked ok, so a guess I did a good job! :)

So I went to following my recipe, and yes, this was much easier than the Avocado Egg! Thank goodness too, because I would not have lasted that long this time. lol! What I am going to divulge next, I must say, I contemplated just keeping to myself, and saying that I followed the recipe exactly. On the other hand, that would be a lie. Let me remind you, I am no Julia Child, nor do I have patience... lol! I am lazy remember? SO what did I do that was so different from the recipe? I added the hot sauce and the butter to the flour mixture. I didn't realize until after mixed everything up that I misread the instructions. Oh well, what was done, was done. We would see how bad I messed it up when the cauliflowers came out of the oven.

So they baked for 20 minutes, I did read that part right. Especially after the Avocado Egg fiasco! If I screwed everything else up, then dang it, they would be cooked for exactly the time and temp they were supposed to be baked at!

I pulled the baked cauli's out of the oven and could smell the hot sauce... YUM!!! It looked surprisingly good! I was actually excited to try it! I scooped my serving on to my real plate this time. I figured I owed it to you all reading to at least display my creation on a real plate! You all are worth washing an extra dish for, right!? Once dished out, I drizzled a bit more hot sauce on to the plate for decoration! Well, actually the extra hot sauce served a second purpose! The first was all about presentation, but the second was that I wanted to eat the extra hot sauce, of course!

Here's was my finished, and plated, Buffalo Cauliflower's. ---------------------->

Pretty huh? Well, at least better than the last time I tried to cook hopefully! lol

Is it arrogant for me to say how awesome these turned out, even with my misreading the recipe mishap, they still tasted great! There is no way that this was "skinny", but it was and that made me happy! My inner fat kid was thrown for a loop with this one, that's for sure!  I was so proud of myself for this one!

Now just a couple of helpful hints for those of you that want to try this for yourselves!

  • Make sure to put aluminum foil down on your baking sheet before dumping your heavily coated buffalo cauli's onto it. That pan was a pain to clean, and you all know how I hate to wash dishes.
  • Go easy on the hot sauce. Now, don't get me wrong, I am no punk! I like when the spiciness is kicked up a few notches, but the serving I had was MUY CALIENTE! The serving that I had later on with no extra hot sauce was just as good!

Ok folks that is it for this pin, let me know if you all try it! This stuff really did taste pretty dang good, if I do say so myself! I loved it! Hope you enjoyed!

Love and Hot Sauce,


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pinterest Picks #6 - #SAVEBENSON

Hi There!

Tonight is a very special night I must say! Not only is it my bestie's birthday (Happy Birthday Constance!!! Love You !!), but it is the night of the much anticipated season 15 Premiere of Law and Order: SVU. Holy Crap! I am so excited because I love this show... which of course brings me to my Pinterest Pick for this evening! 

So I was perusing on the internet and of course was stalking the Official SVU Webpage in anticipation for the new premiere. My goal was to check out the new clips when I saw the Twitter feed. I clicked the link of course! When the Twitter feed came up I saw a twitpic of a T-Shirt that was made for the Premiere... A black T with that simply read #SAVEBENSON. My first thought was, I want one! So what did I do? I ventured up to my trusty "PIN IT" button on my toolbar and Pinned the picture to my, "Things I Want" Board. So sure I pinned the pic, that may be cheating for the sake of the blog, but let's just say I had an idea! 

So here is the pin ------------>

When I first saw it they had not officially created the shirt yet, so I couldn't just go an buy it! But, I wanted one! I WANT TO SAVE BENSON!!!! Then I came up with the idea to just make my own #SAVEBENSON shirt; however, the more I thought about it, I figured that would be too difficult and time consuming. I mean, let's be real, I needed to have it ready by tonight so I could rock it while watching the Season Premiere. It was at that point that I came up with an acceptable alternative. I would make a #SAVEBENSON koosie! 

Now let me explain, I am no alcoholic, but after seeing the preview I knew I would need some booze to get through the evening. So you think I am over reacting? I am sure you are saying to yourself "Booze to get through an episode of SVU??? Come on, Chick!", but this episode is going to be EPIC!!! To justify my need for booze I have graciously provided a link below for the preview I watched, in case you want to see! You're Welcome! (BTW, get a shot ready! lol)

SEE??!!?? I AM FREAKING OUT! I just had to do something to show my SVU/Benson support! Making a #SAVEBENSON Koosie would be perfect! So I ran over to Wally World, grabbed a plain koosie, and headed home to start decorating! Yes, I am a true craft geek because I happen to already have fabric paint and sparkly stickers on So I went town on my plain pink koosie! I knew I wanted to make it bright and happy since I know the episode is going to be ridiculously intense! So that is what I did! Hope you like the result! 

Embedded image permalinkSorry, about having to squeeze it, but I wanted you all to be able to see as much of it as possible. 

Honestly, the picture of my koosie does not give it justice by any means. I have tried to include a link to my instagram video to provide a 360 degree view... 

Check out the 360 Degree view here...

If for some reason the link doesn't allow you to click it, then you can just copy and past the link into your browser, and it should come right up! If it still doesn't work, then sorry, I don't know how to make it :/

Ok everyone, I am off to get set for this episode! It is going to be crazy I know it! I just wanted to make sure to pay tribute to my favorite show's new season premiere... AHHHHHH! I AM STILL FREAKING OUT!  Hopefully, you all can go watch it too! Tonight, NBC, 9pm eastern time! 
Ahhhh! Let's go save Detective Benson! 

Love, Koosie's, and SVU, 
