Hi There!
Sorry, about having to squeeze it, but I wanted you all to be able to see as much of it as possible.
Tonight is a very special night I must say! Not only is it my bestie's birthday (Happy Birthday Constance!!! Love You !!), but it is the night of the much anticipated season 15 Premiere of Law and Order: SVU. Holy Crap! I am so excited because I love this show... which of course brings me to my Pinterest Pick for this evening!
So I was perusing on the internet and of course was stalking the Official SVU Webpage in anticipation for the new premiere. My goal was to check out the new clips when I saw the Twitter feed. I clicked the link of course! When the Twitter feed came up I saw a twitpic of a T-Shirt that was made for the Premiere... A black T with that simply read #SAVEBENSON. My first thought was, I want one! So what did I do? I ventured up to my trusty "PIN IT" button on my toolbar and Pinned the picture to my, "Things I Want" Board. So sure I pinned the pic, that may be cheating for the sake of the blog, but let's just say I had an idea!
When I first saw it they had not officially created the shirt yet, so I couldn't just go an buy it! But, I wanted one! I WANT TO SAVE BENSON!!!! Then I came up with the idea to just make my own #SAVEBENSON shirt; however, the more I thought about it, I figured that would be too difficult and time consuming. I mean, let's be real, I needed to have it ready by tonight so I could rock it while watching the Season Premiere. It was at that point that I came up with an acceptable alternative. I would make a #SAVEBENSON koosie!
Now let me explain, I am no alcoholic, but after seeing the preview I knew I would need some booze to get through the evening. So you think I am over reacting? I am sure you are saying to yourself "Booze to get through an episode of SVU??? Come on, Chick!", but this episode is going to be EPIC!!! To justify my need for booze I have graciously provided a link below for the preview I watched, in case you want to see! You're Welcome! (BTW, get a shot ready! lol)
SEE??!!?? I AM FREAKING OUT! I just had to do something to show my SVU/Benson support! Making a #SAVEBENSON Koosie would be perfect! So I ran over to Wally World, grabbed a plain koosie, and headed home to start decorating! Yes, I am a true craft geek because I happen to already have fabric paint and sparkly stickers on hand..lol So I went town on my plain pink koosie! I knew I wanted to make it bright and happy since I know the episode is going to be ridiculously intense! So that is what I did! Hope you like the result!

Honestly, the picture of my koosie does not give it justice by any means. I have tried to include a link to my instagram video to provide a 360 degree view...
Check out the 360 Degree view here... http://instagram.com/p/eszFYRhzkn/
If for some reason the link doesn't allow you to click it, then you can just copy and past the link into your browser, and it should come right up! If it still doesn't work, then sorry, I don't know how to make it :/
Ok everyone, I am off to get set for this episode! It is going to be crazy I know it! I just wanted to make sure to pay tribute to my favorite show's new season premiere... AHHHHHH! I AM STILL FREAKING OUT! Hopefully, you all can go watch it too! Tonight, NBC, 9pm eastern time!
Ahhhh! Let's go save Detective Benson!
Love, Koosie's, and SVU,
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