Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello Blog World!!!

Hello Blog World!!!

I have always wanted to create a blog, well, let me be honest... I have 'started' about five blogs; however, never had the where-with-all, patience, time, dedication, or grammar/writing skills to actually stick with it long enough to make it a real blog. To be even more honest I am going to translate my previous sentence... I AM LAZY! lol

In my defense, I can recognize my flaws and own them, so please cut me a break. My desire to ever write a blog came subsequently after I watch 'Julie and Julia', I figured I could do what Julie did! Write a blog everyday about something that I am passionate about.... BUT what to write??? What am I really passionate about in this world? What topic/subject matter could I write about and be engaged with regularly? Hmmm??? First Thought... Meryl Streep... I own all of her movies, know everything about her, and could totally make time to watch one of her movies a week and write about my thoughts! Then I thought to myself, how many readers could I pull by reciting Meryl Movies verbatim, and spouting my VERY BIAS opinions about those movies. It would just be boring to everyone, but me and the rest of the "Streeper's" (That means Meryl Fan's for those of you who don't speak fluent Streep (; ) in the world. After all this thought, I found myself back at square one... What can I blog about??? Then, all of a sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks! I will blog about PINTEREST!

I love Pinterest! It is such a perfect platform (in my opinion) to express yourself and lose yourself all at the same time. I mean let's face it, every Pinner know that Pinterest is a giant mind suck, black hole, that no man should have ever dared go. Since Pinterest was created, there are now millions of people who spend hours looking at pins that include everything from food, to fashion, to football, and everything in between! Then you let us pinner's actually save all of our random pins in a creative organized fashion, WITH NO LIMIT, and it's done, I am in!

Now to the real reason behind the idea for a blog... What good is Pinterest if you pin, and pin, and pin, all day, and never try out the recipe that you pinned? Why pin if you have no intentions of trying out that crafty project you think is so cool, or creating the awesome face scrub you found that will supposedly keep you young forever ;) ??? We Pinners want to do the things we pin, but never seem to stay off Pinterest long enough to try what we find and archive.

This blog has been born for the pinner's in the world who spend hours pinning things they want to try, but never do! I will attempt to chose pins from my vast sea of categorized boards each week. From there, I will bring one of those pins to life, whether it be to try a recipe, do a suggested work out, or create something inspired by pin I have collected. Each week I will feature the pin and tell you all what I did with it! Hope you enjoy!

With Love and Modge Podge,

P.S. See the images below courtesy of Pinterest :) hence the reason for this


1 comment:

  1. I loved your page from your tattoos music shoes and face makeup.
    your sis in law Linda
