Good Evening Lovely Pin Addicts and Hopefully Soon to be Pinterest Picks Blog Addicts ;)

SO I got past the section of the directions that said "What you will need" and determined that I had everything that I needed except the fabric and the shoes. It was the rest of the directions that seemed a little... well, difficult! I could just picture it in my head... I would run out grab these ugly shoes to recover along with the perfect fabric, and go hard! Cut -Cut here, Snipp - Snipp, there, and a couple of HOLY CRAPS later, and my outcome would look like a hot glued mess in comparison to the beautiful example I had to follow. I mean let's be real, some people just don't have that kind of patience. I can say that in my head I feel that I do have enough patience to conquer a pin like this, but that leads up to our next issue, TALENT! Again, I am claiming it, but won't fully go there until the product is completed, right?
Despite my self doubt, I decided I am gonna jump in this bowl of grits anyway! I am going for it, I will recover some shoes dang Off to Goodwill I went, my goal was to find the most comfortable pair of shoes possible. On the other hand, I had to try to look past the ugly color and lack of cuteness, and try to decipher if I could potentially pull off the shoe make over of the year!
Hmmm? This is actually a lot more difficult than it seems! Most of us will purchase a shoe strictly based on looks. Who cares if you can barely walk in the shoe! We buy it anyway if it's cute. It doesn't matter if by the end of the first day wearing a pair of shoes your left ankle is swollen and more than likely sprained, and your right foot is shot to hell with blisters bigger than Dolly Parton's... well, you get the idea, right? Comfort means nothing when buying shoes. Usually because it is impossible to find a cute pair of shoes that are comfortable! Well I was going to change that with this project. I had to try very hard to focus on the structure and fit of the shoes, not the look and them. I found the perfect pair. Seafoam Green Kitten Heels, some bleach stains along for the ride. My foot slid right into the shoe and it was a perfect fit. I took a couple of steps and felt no potential for a blister? SOLD!
Now it was on to the Fabric. I wanted something that represented me, but would look good on a shoe. Now, If I could have found fabric with Meryl on it, I would've bought that, but sadly that doesn't exist. So I kept my eyes peeled and then I saw it! Fabric with music notes?!?!?! LOVE IT ! And yet again, SOLD!
I ran back to my house with the last items I would need to set out on my shoe recover journey. I pulled out my seemingly complicated directions and went to town. As I began to go step by step through the instructions, I realized that the lady who wrote them out was a total genius and every step made perfect sense once I had the materials in my hand to follow along. A process that I thought would be long, drawn out, and complicated, turned out to be easy and most of all, fun!

I couldn't leave you all hanging, just in case you wanted to try this shoe-recover thing out yourself.... Here is the link to the tutorial I used to make mine!
It really is incredibly easy to follow. Might I also add that the Blog I found this tutorial on is like a Pinner's DIY HEAVEN! So many more cool things you could make on this sight, and the creator of the blog is absolutely great when it comes to breaking things down and explaining how to create GREATNESS :)
That is it for today! Now on to the next pin!
With Love and Kitten Heels,
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