Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pinterest Picks #3- Tat It Up!

Hello Blog Readers and Pinterest Addicts!!!!

This post will be a special one! On the other hand, it may wig some of you out, who knows. I do want to make it clear that this post is a Pinterest Pick that occurred a while ago. No, I did not run out and get a tattoo just because of this blog. Although, I must admit that would be totally badass, and maybe it would get me a boost in blog followers. lol Anyway back to my story! Personally, I have found myself strangely attracted to tattoos. Early on in life, I would see people with tattoos and think they were super cool. In all honesty, I always wanted one, but had this intense fear that I would get one and it would look like crap, or I would get one and two weeks later totally hate it! Well, let's just say one day I drew up a tattoo idea that really meant a lot to me, got it done, and have been getting tattoos ever since. With that said, let me burst all of those imagination bubble that picture me as some tatted up chick, that looks like I should be riding with the Sons of Anarchy crew. I have a few tattoos, that I love dearly and that is that. Trust me though, if I made more money I would more than likely have a lot more! lol!

Now that you have some back story, Pinterest lead me to develop multiple random ideas for more tattoos. Essentially fueling my ridiculous desire to get my entire back done, or get a sleeve, or something crazy and over the top just because it looked awesome in a pin. Of course, I realize that is a bit extreme so I have curtailed my hardcore tattoo ambitions and turned to Pinterest to help me figure out a more reasonable tattoo idea that is suitable to my life and career.  I kept seeing awesome 3-D tattoos like these:

Now this one was pretty cool, gruesomely beautiful in my opinion... Yes, I wanted something like this! Something tearing the skin, revealing a piece of my soul.
I saw this simple little strand of music with the illusion that it is jumping off her foot. Now that was cute to me, a little less likely to cause concern to the on!

Then I saw THIS... : D ------------->
Holy Moly! Gosh, If only I had the guts to actually get this tattoo, right! That is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life! BUT... How would it look when I am 87 with saggy thighs and chunky knees ??? Right, not cool so let me pop that imagination bubble as!
My Pinterest search continued, the more 3-D tats I saw on Pinterest, the more sure I felt that I wanted one! Not sure where I would put it, or exactly how I would make it work, but I was sure! Then, I saw this :)

IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I could care less about the birds and clouds, but the placement and execution was DOPE! It was like a light bulb turning on in my over crowded brain, allowing me to see exactly where all of my ideas were and pull them all together! I would bring this picture along with me to get my tat, along with sheet music. Not just any sheet music, but the sheet music that meant a lot to me. Each of my younger siblings and I have a song. My song for my little sister is Pink's Perfect, and then my two songs for each of my little brothers are Adele's Make You Feel My Love and Monica's For You I Will. I wanted the actual notes to each song to look like it was under my skin.

So I brought my Pictures, Music, and very crappy drawing I did myself to illustrate to my artist, what exactly I wanted. He sketched for a bit and the stencil was made!

When I saw it just with the stencil I knew I would love it! I was in the chair for about 8 HOURS! Taking it like a champion! The funny thing is, Even though it hurt like hell, I was somewhat distracted because my artist had The Walking Dead playing on the TV while he was working! Not bad, if I do say so myself, lol. We stopped three times, once for him to eat dinner, and twice for me to pee! So when I say 8 HOURS, I mean it! In the end it was totally worth it! My awesome tattoo was exactly what I wanted and just as pretty and unique as I thought it would be! My Pinterest searching paid off and after compiling several pins that I found, I was able to get a tattoo that I will love forever!

Love and Ink,


P.s. If you are planning to get a tattoo, don't necessarily jump on Pinterest, find a tattoo, and go get it done! I spent months trying to figure out exactly what I wanted so I would be happy with it for the rest of my life! A year later I don't regret it one bit! I am actually in the process of using Pinterest to my advantage now to help me come up with my next tattoos idea! I hope you like it! :)

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